All Night Towing Recovery & Auto Repair

Auto Body Services

When your car's body needs that extra care and attention, we're here to assist.

Pro Auto Body Services

Rated one of the best auto body services in New York

Auto body repair done in Brooklyn

Quality body work at fair and honest prices

While it’s unfortunate to have your car’s body mushed, scratched or completely destroyed, it happened to all of us. We understand the pain you are in and we are here to offer our help. Our technicians will come in, evaluate the damage your car has suffered, give you a fair and honest pricing and get to work. We are working based on manufactures specifications. When you choose us to work on your car, you’ll be amazed by the results that you see after we are done with it. Give us a call today.

Our auto body repair work is known as one of the best in Brooklyn NY.

We have the technology and experience to handle all types of makes and models of cars. We can work on a any car.

Regardless if it is a scratch, damage from a car hitting you, you hitting a car, or a collision, we know what to do and we will guarantee the car to look brand new after we are done with your body work. 

Auto Body work in Brooklyn NY
Auto body repairing Mazde in NY

Let Us Help When You Need Help The most.

Auto repair and body repair services since 1995, let's get you car back in 100% shape.

Frequently Asked Questions

While there’s a lot of auto repair companies around, there’s not a lot of companies that have the values that we hold so close to our hearts. When you choose us you know that the work that we are doing is the highest quality possible while working inside your budget.

No! We have a pick up and drop off service for our clients. You don’t have to waste a day of work to come in and ‘hang out’ in the garage. We will pick up your car, get it into tip top shape and give it back to you ASAP!

We have over 20 years of auto industry experience. We have done auto body repairs back in 1995. We know what we are doing.

We can not give out rates without looking at what needs to be done first. Please give us a call or arrive at one of our locations, and we’ll give you an estimate.

Auto body repair Brooklyn
Auto body work NY
Auto body repair Brooklyn
Auto body repair Brooklyn
We are taking care of each and every single car like we take care of our own cars.

Body Repair Services in Brooklyn, NY

Our services include a complete 100% body repair and restoration. If that's a collision repair or just a simple bump/scratch, we can complete any job all in one location.

For your convince, we have pick-up and drop-off services that will make the whole process so much easier. You don't have to waste time coming down to the shop and looking at us work. We will take your car off your hands and provide you with a discounted rental car while we work on your car. Once we are done working on your car we will hand it back to you in a much better shape that you gave it to us.

In our Brooklyn shop location we provide the following services: Auto Body Repair, Collision Repair & Auto Paint, Mechanical Repair work, Dent Removal, Car Restoration, Windscreen Repair.

While these are not the only services that we provide, these are the main ones that we do in the auto body category of our services.

Car body work

We Have A Hard Working Team To Take Care Of Your Car

With over 20 years in the automotive industry our guys and girls know what they do. These 'petrol heads' have seen it all. Been playing with collectible cars and running around workshops from age 7, most of our team was born and raised in and around Brooklyn NY, they know the city like the palm of their hands. Whether it's towing or auto repair services that you are seeking, we got your back. We are rated one of the best towing companies around New York city with over 70+ Google Verified Reviews.

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